Any card.
Instead, try shuffling up and picking cards to determine your draft fate. And not just doing it once, but every round.
First pick a round using team owners to determine a card picking order - like a batting lineup. This way there is a rotation as to who picks in what order and it stops the possibility of everyone grabbing cards wily-nily.
Next, pick people to shuffle and lay down the cards in between every round. You might pick the 10-card three times in a row but it is a statistical long shot. And even if a bad run of luck rears it's head, don't fret, there's always another round.
It's a spontaneous way to run your draft and utterly random. And just because you may get stuck at the end of a few important rounds, doesn't mean you still can't lay in wait and capitalize on the mistakes of others.
It stretches the time of the draft a bit, but it's worth the wait. No matter if it's the fourth or the 14th round, there's a thrill knowing you might not wait long at all for your next pick, once the cards get flipped.
IMPORTANT: Obviously this refers to the old fashioned, drafting in person scenario. Online the snake is the only option for those not in auction leagues.
In my10-team league, we use the Ace as the first pick through the 10 card. For leagues bigger than that, use the Jack and Queen, or other face cards for picks 11, 12, etc.
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